Saturday, September 17, 2011

General Memo #3 - The Eavesdropper

We are all guilty of eavesdropping for sure. How the person handles what they hear is the difference between each of us. So... here's a scenario. What you think?

"Man, I got a blond joke for you," Sweet Jane, the department Be-Otch, overhears the conversation right from the git-go. Does she walk away, oh hell no. She's going to keep her dead ass right there and listen... because the person telling the joke is a person she's not too fond of and sees an opportunity to hang 'em good. So Sweet Jane lets the joke play out in its entirety. Of course... why not... might be funny.

Well, some ass-wipe back in the 80s came up with this bullshit about Civil Rights / Equal Employment Opportunity / etc. And put some stipulation somewhere in the friggin fine print that you can't say anything in the workplace that may offend others, even if you're not telling them the stupid friggin joke. If they're hanging out at the drinking fountain and your workspace is within earshot and you tell a joke, or say something about someone else... basically if your friggin lips vibrate together to make words that sound like they may offend "Sweet Jane" you're at fault. How asinine is that!

So the be-otch, Sweet Jane, can't take a joke... she listens and probably wants to laugh out loud and make those little friggin piggy snorts, but manages to hold it all in so she can sneak off and rat the person out. She goes off to one of those employee protection clowns (EPC) and cries she's so offended she'll have to go home for the rest of the day. In the meantime, the EPC drafts up a report, breaks out a rope and ties a loosely fitting noose. They turn around and send the report to the boss who reads it knowing their hands are tied and, by law, must take the next step. Confront the poor ass joke teller and most likely give them a letter of reprimand, or a suspension, or a pink slip... something... because be-otch "Sweet Jane" got her feelings in a pantie knot. The big question here... Is this fair? Sure as shit ain't... but here's my solution to properly fix the situation.

First, I would suggest ole Sweet Jane walk her dead ass out of earshot and go away, preferably out to a high balcony and take a friggin dive to the pavement. But if jumping seems a bit overboard, just go away.

Second idea... might just ask the jokers if they could not tell the joke where everyone can hear because you find their humor a bit tasteless (we really know who has no taste...). Correct step - Offended whiner confronts tasteless jerks. Should jerks tell Sweet Jane to take a hike, then she might have a leg to stand on and take it to the next step. However, I believe just this simple step would stop a majority of the crap Sweet Jane doesn't want to hear (so we believe).

That's it... only two options. If it offends you and you don't want to look like the bad guy and tell the offensive jerks they're... well... offensive buttheads, then walk away and shut up. If it offends you and you don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks of you, then confront them and, if they continue, then go tell someone that gives a shit and hang their happy ass.

My personal opinion, you're a friggin wuss either way. If you can't do either of the above, go blab your story to the supervisor. Let them confront the jerks. Don't go running off crying to the hangman... that just tells everyone... you're a be-otch!

Now go back to work and do something constructive.

P.S. - The joke...

There's an attractive blond sitting at a bar. A handsome gentleman comes in, sees the attractive blond and takes up the empty stool next to her. The news happens to be on the television and he notices she is watching with serious intent. The gentleman gives the news a two-minute listen. Seems there's a man on top of a high rise building about to commit suicide by jumping to his death. He says to the attractive blond, "I'll bet you $20 he jumps." The attractive blond answers, "You're on..." As the news plays out, the man on top of the high rise building eventually jumps to his death. And the attractive blond pulls a $20 bill from her purse and sets it on the bar in front of the handsome gentleman. Being a gentleman, he admits to the attractive blond, "I cannot take your money because I saw the news report this morning, I'm sorry." The attractive blond responds, "I know, I saw the report this morning as well, but I thought he would have learned his lesson the first time." The handsome gentleman took the money and left the bar. :-)

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