Friday, August 12, 2011

Preface - General Memos

I started writing "General Memos" some 3-4 years ago... at work... for employee entertainment, jawing about general garbage taking place in the workplace. Employee numbers are well over 400 and I like to think the majority read this junk for a little information but mostly for enjoyment. However, as we all know, you cannot please everyone... they say they find the writing offensive when what they really mean is they are threatened. Threatened because they fit the offense. But they will try to hose it all up for the rest. I like to compare their actions to that of the Atheist. Take one Atheist and toss their ass in government service with a bunch of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists... and, because the Atheist will take offense to the words "In God We Trust" or (God forbid) prayer... damn if everyone doesn't bend over backwards "not offend" the Atheist. Well, my friend, I had enough of this crap. Therefore, I write to speak for those who are afraid to speak up, yet think the same as myself.

My writings are not about religion, politics, or sex... these topics are off limits for discussion. Why? Because should we even breathe words on any of it, God forbid we'll offend either the person we're speaking with or even worse, the fool around the corner who eavesdrops on everyone. You don't even necessarily piss them off, but because you may have said something they can take to Employee Relations or the Union or wherever and file a grievance or harassment suit, next thing you know your ass is sitting in deep kimshi.

With all that mumbo-jumbo said, I have elected to now place my "General Memos" in a blog... Because a handful of those butthead "Atheists" whine and cry about the memos being rude. The last donkey-dick is threatening in a way to just piss you off, hoping I write something to use against me for obvious reasons... and that's what really burns my ass about this chauvinistic ass-wipe, the tactic. It's their way to try and get your ass fired. In the numerous years I've been there, three employees I know of have been sent packing, thanks to this donkey-dick. Their tactic, "Piss 'em off good enough and they will do something stupid..." and the next thing you know... you're out the door. And you wonder why these employees come back with a gun. At least shoot the deserved one.... not to say if you get pissed at someone and get your ass canned, you should take a gun and shoot the jerk (as much as one would like to)... don't bother. It's not worth the bullet. Everyone gets a final judgment, their life reviewed and their soul placed accordingly, and I wish them good luck.

So, on those notes, I figure I can write whatever shit I want on a blog. These memos speak in generality of the ignorance in the workforce... And, as I always say, if you don't want to read the bullshit, then push the "delete" button and go away.

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