Tuesday, August 16, 2011

General Memo #1 - Fellow Employees

Ever wonder what supervisors see in the employees they hire? I had to ask the question... and the answer, obviously pulled out of their ass. There had to be someone else on the selection list with a better clue than this person.

"Oh, there were other candidates obviously better qualified," really... Well I got a big WTF for them. "The other two did not have veteran's preference," was the answer. So, we got a friggin truck driver who's owned a rig for ten years with four years military service, probably spent four years filing. One candidate has twelve years employed with a major healthcare center, knows all medical billing issues. The second candidate has fifteen years with a major medical facility, working their way up from records, laboratory, pharmacy, and the last five years in medical billing; currently working benefits and retirements for a large private corporation. And the winner is... The friggin truck driver of course! He's the best qualified... are you friggin kidding?

How about this one... create a new department... hire a veteran, some flunkie officer who got passed over for captain (Air Force of course...). Therefore, the military had to say, "here's your boot, good luck." Good luck indeed! They got the job as the new department head. Hell, the most responsibility they had was probably the Duty Watch Officer. The Supply Officer job certainly didn't provide any brain activity. Mix that qualification with a Napoleanic personality and tada, instant dickhead running a department with no clues. Help us Jesus....

I like the employee who walks around most of the day, cleans the lunch room, talks to employees. They notice the supply lockers are low, so go find the person in charge of supplies and let them know. Walk through another area and notice the temperature is hotter than the other department... so go find the person in charge of building temperature. Notice the recycle bins are full... so go find the person responsible for full bins. Do they ever do their own work... whatever it is. After a while you start to wonder, not only what their job is but what department do they belong. Probably in the department with the dickhead in charge with no clues.

How about that employee who begins work at 7am... Walks in the door 5 minutes 'til... with breakfast... sits down in the lunch room and spends the next 15 minutes eating. Remember, they DID come through the door 5 minutes before their start time. (Where's their sign...) Or, they don't take their 15 minute breaks, and decide to work through their 1 hour lunch... and leave 90 minutes before their normal time. We all know you can't do this... doesn't mean there aren't any employees that will try. Or... speaking of cutting time... will take every other Monday off, "I'm sick..." My ass! I don't like to get up on Monday morning either, but my sick leave is well over 500 hours (and pray I never need to use it...). Don't you wish you could look at a potential employee's Time and Attendance record. Can't do that... Privacy issue. If you're lucky, you might know someone at the candidate's current place of employment and make a call. Oh wait, can't do that either... right. Don't be stupid... make the call.

So the boss tells you, "Be the rock, be better than they are..." But what you really want to be is a bat. A big fat fucking bat and beat the "stupid" out of each one of 'em. Then you remember... the majority of employees aren't really that stupid, but the stupid certainly stand out, don't they?

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